Solving Workforce Challenges Through Quality Registered Apprenticeship Programs

Apprenticeship Building America Grant
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This project has been funded in part with federal funds from the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration under Federal Award ID No. AP—38622-22-60-A-4. The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement of the same by the U.S. Government.


Collaborate with Adaptive Construction Solutions to explore, develop, and register a quality apprenticeship program.



Enhance your RAP by partnering with workforce systems and training providers. Access key technical resources.



Expand your RAP by adding new occupations, diversifying into new industries and increasing the number of participants.


Apprenticeship Building America

Building the Future Through Apprenticeships

The U.S. Department of Labor awarded the Apprenticeship Building America grant to Adaptive Construction Solutions (ACS) in August 2022. The objective of the grant is to strengthen, modernize, expand, and diversify Registered Apprenticeship Programs.

Over the life of the grant, ACS will register and expand quality Registered Apprenticeship programs in multiple industries, including construction and renewable energy, while focusing on underserved populations. Additionally, ACS is establishing pre-apprenticeship programs as an effective way to link entry-level skills to RAPs.

Through funding provided by the grant*, ACS offers technical assistance to develop, launch and expand a sponsor’s quality Registered Apprenticeship Program.

*Assistance is offered at no cost to the sponsor, employer or apprentice.

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Launching Programs

Developing, Launching and Expanding Quality Registered Apprenticeship Programs

Having an experienced and trusted advisor to navigate your organization through the development phase can prevent mistakes throughout the process. The ACS team can assist you in registering flexible programs that are designed for easier collaboration and leveraging of funding. ACS will assist in customizing tools to ease the management of your new program. For employers not prepared to take on the administrative duties, ACS is able to perform most of the administrative roles or even act as the program sponsor.

Once the apprenticeship is registered, the program sponsor and participating employer(s) need to finalize details to fund the program and have agreements for any partnering organizations that might support recruitment, workforce funding, mentoring, and training of apprentices. It is important to evaluate for experience and skill for each apprentice, especially when enrolling current or “incumbent” workers. Programs that seek technical assistance or collaborate with other organizations are more likely to have a successful launch.

ABA Resources

Technical Assistance Toolkit

Take advantage of the technical assistance resources tailored for apprenticeship stakeholders. These tools are designed to provide the technical expertise needed to develop, launch, and expand Registered Apprenticeship Programs. Dive into our fact sheets, videos, and other resources today to learn more.

Apprenticeship Building America Grantee 2024 Virtual Convening

Setting the Stage for Sustainability Through Data Storytelling

“Setting the Stage for Sustainability Through Data Storytelling” emphasizes the importance of using collected data to showcase achievements in apprenticeships to employers, funders, and partners. In this video, grantees share how to use data to ensure long-term sustainability of their Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs). Adaptive Construction Solutions, a successful Apprenticeship Building America grantee, contributes to the conversation and provides insight into developing and launching quality Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the clean energy industry.

Apprenticeship Building America (ABA) Grantee 2024 Virtual Convening

Veterans in Apprenticeships

Benefits for Veterans

Employers recognize the value veterans bring to the workplace but often find it challenging to connect with transitioning service members and veterans seeking employment. Employers see higher retention rates from veterans and report that their veteran employees demonstrate proven leadership, an ability to work well under pressure, and a strong work ethic.

An apprenticeship is a natural fit for veterans who prefer work-based learning models that allow them to “earn while they learn.” Veterans can access GI Bill® benefits to receive an extra allowance in addition to their apprentice wages. The combination of veteran benefits and apprentice wage acts as a financial bridge to starting a new career. By participating in a GI Bill® approved program, veterans can take a major step in launching their new career.

Apprenticeships Ease the Transition Process Service Members

Learn how GI Bill Benefits are provided to Veterans enrolled in an Apprenticeship

Learn More

Get Started

Your Apprenticeship Starts Here

Fast track your career by starting an apprenticeship.
Follow these steps.

Research apprenticeship opportunities

Learn how apprenticeships work and watch a few videos on successful apprentices

Contact our team for openings

Interested job seekers should contact our team or apply directly for a current opening

Stay engaged with our team

Ask questions and regularly follow up while we look to match you with an employer

Interview with partnering employers

Be prepared to interview with an employer and consider job requirements

Start job as a paid apprentice

Complete all onboarding requirements and prepare to start new job and training as an apprentice

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ACS Administrative & Training Center

(832) 619-1175

10120 Houston Oaks Dr Houston TX 77064