For Immediate Release
Jan 16th, 2024
Adaptive Construction Solutions President to Participate in World Economic Forum
Houston, TX – Adaptive Construction Solutions, Inc. (ACS) president, Nicholas Morgan joins Global Apprenticeship Network (GAN Global) to participate in the 2024 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
With a convening theme of “Rebuilding Trust,” the 54th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) includes over a hundred governments, thousands of the world’s leading CEOs, and numerous major international organizations including the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the International Organization of Employers (IOE). During this year’s event, leaders are discussing strategies and policies related to creating economic growth, jobs for a new era, and a long-term strategy for climate, nature, and energy sustainability.
During WEF, ACS will join GAN Global to host a session, “Shaping Tomorrow’s Talent,” which will feature the launch of the Corporate Champions for Apprenticeships (CCA) initiative. This new initiative will support the promotion of apprenticeships as a key driver for sustainable talent and bring forward discussions that address global, regional, and societal workforce challenges.
“We find ourselves at a pivotal moment in global history, where the key to unlocking opportunities lies in a concerted effort to expand workforce participation and skills through approaches that offer a win-win for both businesses and workers,” stated Nicholas Morgan, founder and president of ACS. In partnership with GAN Global, supporters of CCA are joining together to bring quality apprenticeships to the center of many of the conversations at WEF.
Investments into Quality Apprenticeships
The WEF is a great opportunity for attendees to learn and discuss how to best invest in the “apprenticeship economy” as businesses look to enhance strategies to effectively recruit, train, and retain highly skilled workers. With the International Labor Organization’s adoption of the “Quality Apprenticeship Recommendations” at the 111th International Labor Conference, ACS and other GAN members continue to advise and advocate as governments and global organizations evaluate how to best join businesses in making new investments. “In my experience, work opportunities that provide ‘earn while you learn’ models are the best tools to promote trust and encourage new workers to participate in the labor force,” continued Morgan.
While workers understand and value the commitment a business makes when it provides paid training, businesses also are eager to promote high performing workers as they gain new skills. A quality apprenticeship is the mechanism that formalizes the approach through a combination of safe work environments, fair compensation, relevant education, and portable, stackable industry-recognized credentials. In addition to enhancing trust and promoting commitment from all parties, apprenticeship is a time-tested model that continues to lead to economic mobility and prosperity, especially when leaders invest in the sustainability and resiliency in the labor force.
Government Focus on Enhancements to the Apprenticeship System
While governments around the world respond to ILO’s recommendations, on December 14th, 2023, the U.S. Department of Labor issued notice to revise the regulation governing registered apprenticeships to ensure systems are responsive to the evolving needs of employers. Changes were focused on improving the quality of registered apprenticeship programs, with proposed enhancements designed to provide workers with more pathways to good jobs, extended worker protections and equity, and revised state governance provisions. In the U.S. for instance, the link between post-secondary education and registered apprenticeship will be strengthened through the establishment of a new system of registered career and technical education (CTE) apprenticeships. This model aligns with proven technical and vocational education and training (TVET) systems around the world.
Increasingly, governments globally are playing a critical role in the investment and support of quality programs that minimize the administrative burden to employers and maximize the opportunity for workers. By increasing access to the dignity of work and continued learning, apprenticeships address the needs of workers and businesses alike.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Tracey Carlson
+1 (281) 433.6561
About Adaptive Construction Solutions
Adaptive Construction Solutions, Inc. (ACS) is a leading advocate and apprenticeship intermediary specializing in the construction and clean energy sectors. Through the implementation of business-centric approaches, ACS performs many specialized roles to successfully develop, launch, and expand apprenticeships across the United States. Through a combination of high-impact services and a commitment to economic mobility for underrepresented populations, ACS continues to contribute to the strengthening of the apprenticeship system. At the core of its strategy, ACS helps “hide the wiring” of apprenticeships so businesses can focus on rewarding high-performing apprentices with family-sustaining careers and expanding their workforce to enhance market opportunities.
About GAN Global
The Global Apprenticeship Network (GAN Global) is a global alliance of companies, employer organizations, and national apprenticeship networks. GAN Global works to promote and support apprenticeship programs worldwide, fostering a more skilled and sustainable workforce for the future.
About World Economic Forum
Established in 1971 as a not-for-profit foundation, and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. The Forum strives in all its efforts to demonstrate entrepreneurship in the global public interest while upholding the highest standards of governance. Moral and intellectual integrity is at the heart of everything it does.
ACS Administrative & Training Center
(832) 619-1175
10120 Houston Oaks Dr Houston TX 77064