Solving Workforce Challenges While Transforming Lives

We work collaboratively to successfully launch and operate programs
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Join us as we receive the NAWDP
“Workforce Employer of the Year Award”

ACS is proud to accept the 2021 NAWDP Workforce Employer of the Year Award at the 38th Annual Conference. We look forward to meeting and engaging other workforce professionals from around the nation.

Do you have the right partner?

It takes effective employer engagement combined with collaboration
and coordination to successfully launch programs. Many partnerships
lack the organizational framework and subject matter experts needed
to keep schedules and achieve planned outcomes.

Stop duplicating strategies that have not
achieved the outcomes you seek.

About Us

Our Mission

We work in partnership with employers, industry groups, higher-education, workforce system, and community organizations to expand economic opportunity and mobility for all Americans including underrepresented populations and underserved communities.

We focus on strong employer and industry engagement to expand work-based learning programs that offer the dignity of work, self-sufficiency, and career pathways.

Apprenticeship Provider Services

Our tailored services make apprenticeships a seamless strategy
by avoiding common mistakes, hiding the wiring, and
leveraging available funding.

Program Development

Apprenticeship Exploration and Development

Do you have an expert to guide you? We assist employers in understanding how the apprenticeship model meets their needs. Let us secure the buy in from internal and external stakeholders while avoiding mistakes that commonly derail programs from launching.

• Organizational Needs and Cost Benefit Analysis
• Compatibility Testing and Risk Assessment
• Scoping and Development Planning
• Engagement of Internal Stakeholders
• Partnership Evaluation and Development
• Program Design and Registration

Program Implementation

Program Administration and Management

Do you have sufficient infrastructure? We are a full-service “award winning” provider that can perform all the functions to “hide the wiring” of your apprenticeship. Utilize our team to manage and accelerate your program while you focus on your business.

• Administrative Policies and Procedures
• Apprentice Outreach and Enrollment
• Mentorship and Coaching
• Training Development and Delivery
• Program Management and Reporting
• Quality Assurance and Compliance

Program Sustainability

Resource Development and Funding Support

Are you leaving money on the table during this rapidly evolving economy? We understand the expenses involved in developing your workforce includes opportunity costs. Minimize the investment by leveraging workforce funding and resources arranged by us.

• Navigation and Mapping of Resources
• System Integration and Alignment
• Funding Eligibility Processing
• Administrative and Compliance Management
• Resource Sustainability and Advocating
• Program Scaling and Expansion

Workforce System Services

Our expertise with strategic planning, system alignment,
and employer-centric service delivery models generates
productive partnerships and transformative outcomes.

Partnership Development

Employer Engagement and Industry Sector Partnerships

Are employers in your area reluctant to partner? We are specialists in promoting the business case for using the scalable and sustainable solutions offered by the workforce system. Let us help expand industry sector partnerships through our employer outreach and engagement strategies.

Program Implementation

Operation of Workforce Programs and Service Delivery

Are you satisfied with your operator? We contract with local workforce development boards to assist employers hire, train, and upskill workers. Our evidence-based approaches focus on flexible strategies that promote greater collaboration to effectively serve employers and job seekers.

Program Sustainability

Technical Assistance from Subject Matter Experts and Speakers

Is your board innovative and effective? Our team can provide guidance and assistance through the implementation of strategies and responding to corrective actions. We deliver keynotes, participate on panels, and offer customized workshops at industry and workforce conferences.

Data-Driven Decisions

Performance Research and Evaluations

Are you making data-driven decisions? We have developed series of innovative analysis techniques that incorporates national performance data, information collection, and customer surveys to assist our clients in making informed decisions. Let us evaluate your current and proposed strategies.

Coordinated Strategies

Workforce System Alignment and Integration

Are your services aligned with your strategies? We assist in facilitating alignment and implementation efforts to address cross-agency, high-priority issues by fostering collaboration. Our technical assistance services and resources will accelerate the integration process while encouraging best practices.

Technical Assistance

Strategic Planning and Program Development

Frustrated in developing and updating WIOA unified, combined, and local plans? We can help you navigate requirements, engage stakeholders, collect data, and identify strategies to address emerging challenges. Let us coordinate and negotiate with partners, and manage logistical challenges.

Launching Programs

Technical Assistance for Apprenticeships

Having an experienced and trusted advisor to navigate your organization through the development phase can prevent mistakes throughout the process. The ACS team can assist you in registering flexible programs that are designed for easier collaboration and leveraging of funding. ACS will assist in customizing tools to ease the management of your new program. For employers not prepared to take on the administrative duties, ACS is able to perform most of the administrative roles or even act as the program sponsor.

Once the apprenticeship is registered, the program sponsor and participating employer(s) need to finalize details to fund the program and have agreements for any partnering organizations that might support recruitment, workforce funding, mentoring, and training of apprentices. It is important to evaluate for experience and skill for each apprentice, especially when enrolling current or “incumbent” workers. Programs that seek technical assistance or collaborate with other organizations are more likely to have a successful launch.

“ACS leads the nation for arranging OJT contracts for WIOA participants enrolled in Registered Apprenticeships”

– Carlos Pulido, Executive Vice President

Case Study of ACS Partnering with Local Workforce Boards

Published by the U.S. Department of Labor:
“Gulf Coast Workforce Development Board and Adaptive Construction Solutions Inc.”

Best Practices

As a RAP sponsor, ACS aims to work with businesses that offer continuous and stable workforce environments. ACS attracts new employers by communicating the business case for RAPs, as well as the flexibility of program strategies that are offered.

By focusing on meeting specific objectives of each employer, ACS develops relationships with businesses that lead to greater opportunities for veterans and others with barriers to employment.

Promising Results

• Tailored on-boarding and support to ensure apprentices are successful

• Tailored on-boarding and support to ensure apprentices are successful

• Leveraging win-win strategies that meet business and local workforce needs

• Achieving performance targets with services to the local veteran population

Case Study

Awards and Recognitions

Awards and Recognitions

Our team is driven by a shared mission. We believe our impact is represented through the numerous awards from our partners and government agencies.

2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
HIRE Vets Platinum Medallion

For employing, training and retaining veterans (5x winner)

– U.S. Department of Labor

2021 – 2022
We Hire Ability

For hiring people with disabilities and creating an inclusive workforce

– Texas Workforce Commission

Workforce Employer of the Year

For partnering with the workforce system to create impact in their community

– National Association of Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP)

Stay Informed

Latest News, Stories, and Studies

ACS and Global Apprenticeship Network

Adaptive Construction Solutions Joins GAN Global Board of Directors

Adaptive Construction Solutions is honored to announce its acceptance to the Board of Directors and Governance Council of the GAN Global Apprenticeship Network. Our mission to increase the quality of life of apprentices through the dignity of work is core to developing quality apprenticeship frameworks. We are proud to further our mission in partnership with GAN Global!

National News Segment

Battlefields to solar fields: How veterans are finding careers in renewable energy

SPECTRUM NEWS – Quinn Young, a 23-year-old Army veteran, stepped out to a podium planted amid the scrub grass. It was early fall in northeast Texas, and he and hundreds of others had just about completed a solar farm the size of 1,500 football fields. Now, the company and local leaders were toasting him and others on the

Grant Award Notice

U.S. DOL Awards $1.5M Grant to Adaptive Construction Solutions, Inc.

WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced funding of $1,561,667 for a National Dislocated Worker Grant for Adaptive Construction Solutions Inc. to support employment and training services to eligible transitioning military service members in Texas communities harmed significantly by the pandemic.

Veterans in Apprenticeship

McCarthy and Adaptive Construction Solutions partner to train veterans

As a tight labor market continues to make it difficult to meet the increasing construction labor demand, McCarthy Building Companies partnered with Adaptive Construction Solutions to hire and train veterans for solar and renewable energy projects. McCarthy piloted an Adaptive Construction Solutions program

Case Study

Gulf Coast Workforce Development Board and Adaptive Construction Solutions

The Board works closely with an array of employers, including for example, Adaptive Construction Solutions, a RAP sponsor with main offices in Houston, Texas. The ACS program is a group, non-joint RAP, which means ACS is a non-union program that has agreements with multiple employers to hire individuals as apprentices.

Building Photo

ACS Administrative & Training Center

(832) 619-1175

10120 Houston Oaks Dr Houston TX 77064